The Health Ministry Best Practice Awards
The Healthy Churches 2030 Conference Health Ministry Best Practice Awards recognizes the health ministries of congregations from across the United States who are doing exceptional and intentional work in the areas of health promotion, resources, and services to change the health outcomes of their congregants and community members. Join us in recognizing the recipients for demonstrating their leadership in promoting health ministry best practices during our awards ceremony held during this year's global virtual experience.
Best Practice

Highland Christian Center Health and Wellness Program
Portland, OR
Rev. Dr. Shon Neyland, Senior Pastor

Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Spartanburg, SC
Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Snoddy, Senior Pastor

Mount Zion Baptist Church
Greensboro, NC
Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr., Senior Pastor

Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church
Baltimore, MD
Rev. Milton A. Williams, Jr., Senior Pastor

St. Matthew AME Church
Shreveport, LA
Rev. Dr. Glenell M. Lee-Pruitt, Senior Pastor

St. Stephens AME Zion Church
Gastonia, NC
Rev. Carolyn D. Bratton, Senior Pastor

Williams Institutional CME Church
New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Jermaine J. Marshall, Senior Pastor

Community Gold

Allen Temple Baptist Church
Oakland, CA
Rev. Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson, Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church of Glenarden
Upper Marlboro, MD
Pastor John K. Jenkins, Sr., Senior Pastor

Reid Temple AME Church
Glenn Dale, MD
Rev. Dr. Mark E. Whitlock, Jr., Senior Pastor

The Park Church
Charlotte, NC
Bishop Claude R. Alexander, Jr., Senior Pastor

Founders Award

Alex Smith, Jr.
Founder, LEX Graphics
New York, NY

Health Equity Award

Gullah Church Nurses Association
St. Helena Island, SC
Betty Haskins, Founder & President

Highland Christian Center Health and Wellness Program
Portland, OR
Rev. Dr. Shon Neyland, Senior Pastor
Highland Christian Center’s first step began in 1903 with a small congregation in hopes of making a huge impact to the community it served. This community focused impact was soon realized by the people of the neighborhood and Highland quickly outgrew its humble beginnings and had to relocate. Highland served in that community for years until around 1965. Due to integration, the once German and Polish community was now primarily African-American. In July of 1968 a committee was formed to discuss the future of Highland Christian Center. With the community now primarily African American, the church was concerned that it did not have relevancy to the people in the community and the struggles it was facing.
Under new leadership, the church focused on the issues that were plaguing the community, such as improving housing, gaining basic education, enhancing job training and building community organizations. Over time a new pastor was appointed in 1996 to carry out a fresh vision for change. The community, politicians, former convicts, professionals, recovering substance abusers, working families, and entrepreneurs, all found a home where they could work together to improve not only themselves but the community around them. The church continued to grow into a large congregation and moved to its current location at 7600 NE Glisan Street. Currently, Highland Christian Center consist of the main building housing a 1275 seat sanctuary, administrative offices, fellowship hall, classrooms, counseling center, memorial hall, and a 5-plex multi-purpose facility.
Dr. Shon Neyland became the Senior Pastor of Highland Christian Center in March of 2019 and is taking Highland to the next level. Dr. Neyland along with his wife, Madeline, has a vision to be “The Unstoppable Church.” The priority is on connecting people to Christ and to one another, providing spiritual and emotional care. Dr. Neyland’s commitment to Jesus Christ, Bible centric teaching, prayer, and a firm belief that through Christ all things are possible, makes Highland’s future is very bright. Highland continues to march forward with the goal to Build Community and Change Lives.
NU Health and Wellness Team. In 2020 Highland Haven received a grant that was designed to focus on helping those who are affected by the Coronavirus. No part of the society, our nation, or the world has been exempt from the devastating effects of COVID-19. NU has used this funding to hire contractors to facilitate and provide wrap around services, rental assistance, and food assistance to the community. Additionally, the team has purchased items to create a safe operating and ministry space during COVID-19. NU health and Wellness also supports Highland Christian Center to screen persons entering the facility for worship and events. NU has led the way with holding COVID-19 vaccination clinics an average two times per month at the Highland campus over the last 12 months, opening the doors for more than two thousand to be vaccinated. NU has facilitated, on Highland Campus, over $30,000 of free Dental services to the underserved over the last 12 months. This program is amazing and is led by Teresa Johnson, NU Health and Wellness Team Lead. Teresa has been an amazing advocate for health and wellness and has been featured with Dr. Neyland in NPR news and other media outlets for her outstanding work as a community provider for health and wellness.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Spartanburg, SC
Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Snoddy, Senior Pastor
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church of Spartanburg SC is located in the heart of a diverse urban community. The church has a membership of 1200-1500 members and has ministries for all age groups including children’s church, teen church, senior citizen’s ministry and marriage and family ministry.
Through the preaching and teaching of God's Holy Scriptures, the opportunities to serve in numerous ministries, and through experiencing and extending the love of Jesus Christ, the Mount Moriah Church family is committed to be the church that God has called us to be. Because of God's mandate to His church, Mount Moriah is dedicated to developing in every believer, an intimate, love relationship with God, strengthening the body of Christ, and growing the Kingdom of God.The vision of MMBC is to be the best Christian fellowship for worship, service, outreach, learning and growing for all members. The church is Christ-centered and seeks to spread the love of Jesus to humankind through ministry work. The mission of MMBC is to 1) reach and love everyone through Christian service; 2) create an environment of genuine worship; 3) provide an opportunity for believers to grow in Jesus Christ; and 4) edify the body of Christ. The Health and Wellness Ministry supports the vision and mission of the church through activities and events that edify the body of Christ and help members to have healthy temples for the Holy Spirit to reside. The Health and Wellness Ministry sponsored an annual "Community Health Awareness Day for 20 years that attracted hundreds of participants of all ages and forged partnerships with diverse community groups. Other events have included: "Breast Cancer Lunch and Learn" to over 300 women and free mammograms to uninsured women in the community; provided Prostate Cancer screening and "Just For Men Only" prostate cancer education; held "Blood Sunday" blood drives as part of an ecumenical blood drive with 8 local diverse churches to have a greater impact on the blood supply of the local community for one day; formed a "Diabetes Support Group;" obtained grant funds to duplicate the annual Community Health Awareness Day in a rural area of Spartanburg county; held " The 411 on Teen Pregnancy and Prevention" classes and workshops; offered Domestic Violence and Gang Violence seminars; partnered with Safe Kids to have child IDs, car seat safety, and bicycle safety; held blood pressure screenings and education; offered CPR classes; offered plant-based eating and cooking classes; and held an annual "Soup-A-Bowl fundraiser (on Super Bowl Sunday) to place soup in a bowl to feed the hungry. Through grant funds, the ministry purchased exercise bikes for the exercise room at the church and 2 AEDs for the Family Life Center and main building of the church.
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Greensboro, NC
Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr., Senior Pastor
Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. serves as the Lead Pastor of Mount Zion of Greensboro, alongside his lovely wife Debra A. Pierce Mount Zion is an intergenerational church on a mission to reconcile the world to God through Jesus Christ! We are a church that operates in the fullness of God, guided by the Holy Spirit to cultivate, and nurture spiritual gifts.
While serving both inside and outside of the four walls of the church, Mount Zion has a footprint in the city, and nationally. Mount Zion’s purpose includes serving those in need through educational opportunities and civic campaigns. Through outreach opportunities which include gas giveaways, minor car services, groceries to families, and school supplies, Mount Zion continues to reconcile the world to God through Jesus Christ.
As Mount Zion continues to serve God’s people, we have a passion to ensure that our focus is on the whole man, spirit, soul, and body. As we nurture the spirit, we also foster an environment of living a healthy lifestyle by encouraging families to eat nutritious meals, exercise often and participate in wellness checkups. We foster this by providing Zumba workouts sessions, prediabetes prevention classes and community partnerships that teach people how to each healthy.
For over 120 years, Mount Zion members have been leading on frontlines against social injustice and inequality, building upon a foundation that will create better lives for everyone that we meet.
As God continues to bless Mount Zion with life-changing influencers, we have been blessed to minister to people around the world!
Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church
Baltimore, MD
Rev. Milton A. Williams, Jr., Senior Pastor
As a visionary, Pastor Williams led the Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church during the height of the Pandemic to provide prayer, PPE, groceries and cleaning supplies to hundreds residents of the Upton Community and the city of Baltimore at-large.
Every Sunday after the virtual "Love Stream" broadcast service, members volunteered to assist with packing the items and distributing them to all who walked up or drove by. When members of the community shared there was a shortage of food available in the local area, the church partnered with the USDA and Maryland Farms to provide healthy food boxes.
Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church has always placed an emphasis on the health and wellness of our members and the community, from providing healthy food, to providing health screenings and most recently providing COVID-19 vaccines and resources on how to stay healthy and well. We, the members of The Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church, are excited about the vision and the focus on health and wellness, the health of our community impacts the health of our church.
St. Matthew AME Church
Shreveport, LA
Rev. Dr. Glenell M. Lee-Pruitt, Senior Pastor
St. Matthew African Methodist Episcopal Church has a long history in the city of Shreveport for over 146 years. St. Matthew has always been engaged with the community and working to serve the community’s needs. From supporting community events that promote health to providing ministries that impact the physical, mental, social and psychological health of constituents, St. Matthew believes in the importance of being an engaged community partner. These are some of the ministries that are provided for the community of Shreveport in general and the Allendale Community in particular:
Homeless Ministry that provides food and clothing to those who are homeless in the traditional definition and those who otherwise would have their own home but must stay with others or live outside with their children. Food Pantry this is a long time ministry that provides nutritious food to community members. Prior to the pandemic, the food pantry served over 100 families monthly. This ministry ensured that traditional, blended and others in generational living settings were able to have a healthy meal on their tables.
HOPEFUL Alzhiemier’s Symposium for 10 years, St. Matthew A. M. E. Church has partnered with a daughter of the church Roslyn Thibodeaux Goodall to co-sponsor this annual event. This ministry provides support for caregivers and education for the general public. It highlights the impact of this degenerative disease on the mental, physical, emotional and social aspects of people living with Alzhiemers and for those who care for them.
St. Matthew’s Community Garden a new but excited venture for St. Matthew is our foray into a community garden. Supported by The Black Church Food Security Network, this garden has become the ministry of the older women in the church. Planting greens, peppers and tomatoes, seeing the seeds in the ground become edible food is amazing. This garden is being developed in order to provide some fresh and nutritious food for areas of the community that may be considered a ‘fresh food desert”. We know that “good” food leads to good health and good mental health.
Without much fanfare, St. Matthew continues and will continue in the spirit of community to provide ministries that will help to keep our community healthy. It is our thought that even if not on a grand scale, every effort to make the community better is a grand effort indeed.
St. Stephens AME Zion Church
Gastonia, NC
Rev. Carolyn D. Bratton, Senior Pastor
St. Stephens African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is located in the center city of Gastonia, NC at 201 W. Franklin Blvd, under the pastoral leadership of the Reverend Carolyn D. Bratton. St. Stephens has a moderate size congregation that serves with a caring heart and a willing spirit through several ministries that assist to meet the needs of the community and surrounding areas.
In 2020, most businesses were closed or had limited operations and church buildings were closed due to the pandemic. With little chance of re-opening in the foreseeable future, an in-house Health Assessment Committee was formed to begin examining what reopening the church would look like if and when that time would occur. Discussions examined several ways we could or would re-enter safely.
With an abundance of misinformation circulating regarding COVID 19 and health disparities among African Americans, the Health Ministry team felt the need to communicate and disseminate accurate information to the congregants and community at large. St. Stephens Health Ministry team created a virtual platform via zoom. Each month, a one-hour health care session was implemented to connect with the community, friends and our members.
The platform, "Let's Hear It From the Doctors" was designed to provide Healthcare tips and self-care during the pandemic. Each month 2 or more medical professionals participated. Each professional discussed and shared medical information as it related to their medical field. Our medical professional members and other professionals were the invited guests. We sought to include as many areas of the medical profession as possible. Our participants included Primary Care Physicians, Cardiologist, OB-GYN, Family Practice Physicians, Dentists, and Pain Management Specialists. Guest Physicians and other Professionals participated from Gastonia, NC, Winston Salem, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. We held a special segment which included a panel discussion led by a Counselor, Psychologist and COVID-19 Nurses.
This platform proved to be very successful in helping us to keep the community and our viewers/ listeners informed with the most current and accurate information as it pertains to COVID care and health care of African Americans. Each session provided the opportunity for the audience to ask questions.
Since the re-opening of our sanctuary, we have implemented the training of our Greeter's Ministry to serve as the church check in points in 2 locations. They check Temps and contact tracing upon entry. Sanitizing stations and masks are located throughout the church. Members agreed to wear a mask while inside the church at all times. The Sanctuary is sanitized after Service. Most of our Ministry meetings remain virtual or via conference call.
Williams Institutional CME Church
New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Jermaine J. Marshall, Senior Pastor
After his honorable discharge as an Army chaplain following World War 1, Rev. William Yancy Bell came to New York City with the dream of a church that would minister to every phase of the life of its members and community. Williams Institutional Christian Methodist Episcopal Church’s origin and development constitute an epic of faith and service that will inspire the souls of men for generations to come.
On Sunday, October 1919, Rev. Bell and forty persons met in a lodge-room in Lafayette Hall of the old Lafayette Theater, which was located at the corner of 7th Avenue and 131st Street in New York City, New York. After a sermon by the then Presiding Elder H.D. Denson of the New York District, twelve persons joined as members. Williams Institutional CME became the first church of our denomination to be organized in New York City.
Williams Institutional CME Church has overcome every obstacle, resisted every roadblock, conquered every challenge, stayed strong despite every stumbling block, and maintained trust in God in the midst of every trial and tribulation for over the past one hundred and two (102) years.
We have been a beacon of light in the Harlem community by providing guidance to young people, nurturing families, providing scholarship aid in the pursuit of higher education, advocacy for the freedom of Black people in America; and, in serving as an institution for preserving and promoting Black culture.
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept in and affected our way of life, WILLIAMS INSTITUTIONAL CME CHURCH has stepped up to take care of the congregation and the community. Under the auspices of the Board of Social and Human Concern, with the Director and Assistant Director- Rev. Glennie Van and Brother Paul Covington, respectively; along with the Lay Ministry, led by Sister Myra Van Moore (Local Lay Leader); the Health Ministry has been “SHOWING UP AND SHOWING OUT”. We have a standing “TEAM”- consisting of Sis. Patricia Duncan, Sis. Sheila Henry, Sis. Sheila Fernando, Sis. Judynell Johnson-Groce, Sis. Evelyn Smith, Sis. Barbara Washington- who meet every week to distribute water, food, clothing, personal protective equipment (PPE); provide blood pressure screening; give information on housing, jobs and other resources. We also presented over three hundred (300) “Pamper Me” kits to the nurses of the Harlem Hospital Center, City of New York.
We have joined forces with the New York City Department of Health’s Office of Faith Based Initiatives (Mental Health First Aid Trainings/Certifications); Cooling Assistance for Seniors (providing over 77 free air conditions given); National Black Leadership Commission on Health’s Faith Based Programs (program focuses on combating HIV/AIDS); Columbia University’s InTouch Program (focuses on training persons to become certified Community Health Workers. We have 7 graduates); Voter Registration and Poll Worker Applications (prior to the past election we registered over 900 persons); the United States Census Department (contacted over 100 persons); Mt. Sinai Hospital Men’s Cancer Health Study; Healthy Children, Healthy Families (trains families how to cook and eat healthier foods); Health Bucks Program (provides coupons for the purchase of healthy fruits and vegetables to our vulnerable populations).
With the support of our pastor, Rev. Dr. Jermaine J Marshall, and in God’s direction, we are fulfilling our purpose which is “TO SHARE CHRIST BY MEETING THE SOCIAL, PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL NEEDS OF HUMANITY.”
Bishop W. Darin Moore
Presiding Prelate, Mid-Atlantic Episcopal District,
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
In July, 2012 Bishop Moore was elevated to the episcopacy from Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church, Mt. Vernon, NY as the 99th bishop in succession. During his tenure as pastor of Greater Centennial the congregation grew from a few hundred to more than six thousand five hundred members. Bishop Moore's service to the A.M.E. Zion Church has included Vice Chairman of the Harriet Tubman Board, Treasurer of the New York Conference, Chairman of the New York Conference Board of Trustees, Presiding Elder of the Bahama Islands Nassau District, Chairman of the Budget Committee during the 2008 and 2012 General Conferences, Member of the Executive Committee of the Connectional Budget Board, Founding Chairman of YACM, and Chairman of the Restructuring Commission. He is a member of the World Methodist Council, Board of Trustees for Hood Theological Seminary, and he is the treasurer of the Board of Trustees for Livingstone College. He is the Vice Chairman of the National Council of Churches. Bishop Moore served two consecutive terms as President of the Mount Vernon Board of Education. Additionally, he served as President of the United Black Clergy of Westchester, the Founding Chairperson for Save Our Seed Ministries, and a former member of the Westchester County African American Advisory Board. He is Founder and the past President of the Greater Centennial Community Development Corporation and past President of Greater Centennial Homes where he led in the construction of the James Varick Homes for 1st time home buyers, construction of the Zion Court Apartments, and a $12 million substantial renovation of Greater Centennial Homes.
Melanie Pratt
Mistress of Ceremony
Melanie began her career in radio when she joined the on-air staff at Praise 100.9 in 2006. She is a three-time Stellar Award nominee for Gospel Announcer of the Year, a preliminary judge for BET’s hit show Sunday Best, and has been recognized in Who’s Who in Black Charlotte. In 2013, she was an inaugural recipient of the Stellar Woman of Gospel Award for her contribution behind the scenes in the gospel industry. In 2015, she was awarded the 1st Melvin Crispell Gospel Heritage Award and was recognized as one of ten Most Influential Radio Personalities by the Gospel Music Industry Round-up. And in 2016 she was awarded Radio Show of The Year by the Queen City Music Awards. A self-proclaimed foodie - in particular tacos - and founder of the Foodie Flash Mob, Melanie had the pleasure of serving as judge of the Carolina Food Truck Chow Down. She serves on the Board of Directors of The Harvest Center, a transitional program for the homeless and underserved in Charlotte. Melanie is an ordained Elder in the Life Center Fellowship where she and her husband Bryan, serve as Young Adult Pastors.
Cora Harvey Armstrong
Gospel singer, piano player, songwriter
Gospel artist Cora Harvey Armstrong for more than forty years has been a favorite Gospel Music performer at celebrations, gospel festivals and worship centers around the country and abroad. She has toured and lectured on Gospel Music in Japan and Europe, and is a sought after artist, pianist, psalmist and preacher. Born and raised in King and Queen County, Virginia, Rev. Harvey Armstrong has been described by producer Bill McGee as “Aretha Franklin on piano, Mahalia Jackson with her voice, and Shirley Caesar with her style.” Armstrong began taking piano lessons at the age of five. She had a gift for playing by ear and soon learned to read music as well. Cora and her sisters Clara and Virginia sang for many years with their mother, the late Eva Elizabeth Harvey, as The Harvey Family. After the death of their parents, the sisters and Cora’s nieces, Clarissa and Ruthy, continue singing and praising God.
Robert Jamerson
Board Member,
The Balm In Gilead Inc.
Robert Jamerson, Detroit PAL’s Chief Executive Officer, is a former PAL participant, coach, and consultant. Robert spent more than 20 years working for corporations, such as Pfizer, Inc., before joining the non-profit sector. He has held leadership positions in sales, management, marketing, operations, and training, which makes him the perfect candidate to oversee the operations of Detroit PAL. He envisions PAL being the best at training and development, identifying gaps and needs in the community, and collaborating with others. Robert is a native Detroiter who grew up with Detroit PAL. He attended St. Martin Deporres High School, where he was a student athlete lettering in baseball, basketball and football. Robert graduated with academic honors and helped his football team win the State Championship in 1989. He was coached and mentored by notable Hall of Famer’s Ron Thompson, Eddie Rachel, and Greg Carter. Robert continued as a student athlete at Northwood University where he received his Bachelors Degree in Marketing/ Management and Associates Degree in Accounting. During his time at Northwood, he lettered in football and baseball. During his senior season, he achieved First Team All GLIAC Conference Football honors. Robert returned to complete his MBA in 2014
Rev. Gay Tompson Steele
coming soon
Dr. Barbara L. Shaw
Chair, Board of Directors,
The Balm In Gilead Inc., Richmond, VA
Dr. Barbara Louise Shaw is the Immediate Past International President of The Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. A product of four generations in the A.M.E. Zion Church, born in Wilmington, North Carolina, Barbara L. Shaw was spiritually developed and reared in the Pennsylvania Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church (Baltimore, Maryland) where served in many positions. She was concreted a Deaconess in 1993. She is a dedicated mother and grandmother who understands and values the importance of family. Dr. Shaw was educated in the public schools in Baltimore; Morgan State University; and graduate studies at The Johns Hopkins University, School of Writing. Professionally, she has served as a teacher in the Baltimore City Public School System; Associate Producer at Maryland Public Television; and a Chief Administrator with the State of Maryland Department of Public Safety. In October, 1997, she retired after 30 years of service in the state of Maryland. In August 2003, Dr. Shaw was elected the 16th General President of the Women's Home and Overseas Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. In this position, she presided over 800,000+ women on five continents. In August of 2007, she was re-elected as General President and retired in July, 2011. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Hood-Speaks Theological Seminary of the University of Calabar, Nigeria, West Africa, June 2005. In February 2006, she received an Honorary Doctorate from Livingstone College, Salisbury, North Carolina.
Pamela Price
Deputy Director,
The Balm in Gilead, Inc., Richmond, VA
Pamela D. Price currently serves as the Deputy Director for The Balm In Gilead managing the various health initiatives of the organization. Under her leadership, the organization provides support to faith institutions in areas of program design, implementation and evaluation, which strengthen their capacity to deliver programs and services that contribute to the elimination of health disparities. In addition to her role as Deputy Director, she also serves as the Director for The National Brain Health Center for African-Americans.
As the Center’s director, she co-developed a six-part educational curriculum for nurses and allied healthcare professionals aimed at addressing knowledge gaps related to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias affecting African Americans. She also co-authored and facilitates an accredited training for healthcare providers and clinicians; aimed at increasing cultural competencies related to the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of dementia in African Americans among providers.
Mrs. Price holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Public Health and has more than 20 years of experience in public health, epidemiology, and healthcare. She has served as a member of the U.S. Army Nurse Corp and excelled in both government and non-governmental agencies providing leadership and guidance on program management, quality improvement, and project development. Mrs. Price has conducted hundreds of training sessions across the country with various nursing associations, healthcare organizations and conferences.
Dr. Pernessa C. Seele
Founder & CEO,
The Balm In Gilead, Inc.
Dr. Pernessa C. Seele is the Founder and CEO of The Balm In Gilead, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, celebrating 30 years of providing technical support that strengthens the capacity of faith institutions in the USA and in Africa to promote health education and services that contribute to the elimination of health disparities.
As a pioneer in developing public health & faith-based models for engaging individuals in health promotion and disease prevention interventions, Time Magazine 100 named her One of the Most Influential Persons in the World in 2006; Essence Magazine, in its 35 Anniversary issue, named Dr. Seele one of the 35 Most Beautiful and Remarkable Women In The World; In May 2010, Dr. Seele was selected as 21 Leaders of the 21st Century of Women E-News in New York City. Clark Atlanta University honored Dr. Seele with the 2008 Pathway of Excellence Award, citing her as one of its most outstanding graduates of all time. In October 2017, His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, bestowed the Pierre Toussaint Medallion upon Dr. Seele.
Seele is the author of Stand Up to Stigma! How to Reject Fear & Shame. She is an honorary member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Dr. Seele received a Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Science from Clark Atlanta University in 1976 & 1979, respectively Humane Letters from the College of New Rochelle, NY, in 2007. She is a native of Lincolnville, SC.
Allen Temple Baptist Church
Oakland, CA
Rev. Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson, Senior Pastor
For over 100 years, Allen Temple Baptist Church has served as a bright beacon of faith, hope, and love beyond its’ four walls and as an advocate for holistic care for persons of all ages. Allen Temple is committed to sharing the love of God and the message of Good News throughout the Bay Area and the world. Allen Temple’s holistic, prophetic and social justice ministries address the needs of the whole person as well as the whole community.
Allen Temple Baptist Church, under the leadership of Senior Pastor Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson, met the moment at the beginning of the pandemic and continues to ensure that our community has access to healthy food, COVID testing and vaccines.
The increase of our food distribution to four times per month met critical and growing need for access to nutritious food for families located in a community identified as a food desert.
In partnership with CORE, our community drive thru and walk-up clinic has administered over 50,000 free COVID tests (and counting).
In collaboration with FEMA, the California Department of Emergency Services and the Alameda County Public Health Department, our community vaccination clinic has administered over 30,000 free vaccinations to Alameda County residents.
Allen Temple’s Health Education Ministry focuses on the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of both church and community. The ministry presents programs and activities designed to promote positive attitudes towards healthcare, increase knowledge of preventive health practices and provide tools to assist in comprehensive self-care. Educational programs are offered in collaboration with community-based organizations, health care and social services agencies, including the annual Holistic Health Fair, the largest indoor/outdoor event held on Allen Temple’s campus, which has gone on for over four decades. The Health Education Ministry believes God desires that we honor the bodies with which we have been blessed with by informing ourselves on how to care for them. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
“Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually].” 3 John 2 AMP
First Baptist Church of Glenarden
Upper Marlboro, MD
Pastor John K. Jenkins, Sr., Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of Glenarden International, led by Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., is a vibrant, Bible-based church located on three campuses in Prince George’s County, Md. With more than 11,000 active members, FBCG is one of the largest congregations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. It impacts both local and global communities through its 100-plus ministries, outreach and educational programs.
Building Healthy Communities
FBCG’s ministries and programming demonstrate a concern that extends beyond spiritual health to physical and mental wellbeing. The church has an active Health Ministry, which provides First Aid during worship services and Bible studies, blood pressure screenings during special events, a Spiritual Walkers Program, seminars and CPR/AED/First Aid training.
The Health Ministry’s flagship event is an annual Health Expo. For 27 years, the free event has increased health awareness and empowered the community to practice healthier lifestyles to prevent chronic disease and premature death. The Health Expo offers free health screenings and exhibits in a variety of areas including neurology, women’s health, men’s health, cardiovascular and kidney health.
In 2018, FBCG opened a newly constructed 63,000-square-foot Family Life Center. With basketball courts, a fitness center and a walking track open to the public, the facility is one of the largest of its kind in Prince George’s County. It hosts fitness classes, open gym basketball and volleyball, basketball camps, basketball leagues and more.
FBCG’s next venture is the SHABACH! Health Center, a community clinic offering medical care and treatment to residents of Prince George’s County ages 18 and older. The clinic will provide physical exams, health education and wellness classes, chronic disease management, immunizations, referrals, non-emergency sick visits and more. This critical community resource is scheduled to open in 2022.
Pivoting During a Pandemic
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, FBCG adjusted its outreach. The Health Ministry shifted to a virtual platform to encourage positive lifestyle changes around respiratory health and lung disease and offered virtual workshops for seniors. The Family Life Center also offered virtual fitness classes and basketball practices.
FBCG’s B.O.D.Y. by Christ Ministry, which helps people struggling with weight to permanently alter their habits, pivoted as well. Its weekly, virtual meetings have nearly 300 participants per week.
The 2021 Health Expo was also virtual. Typically averaging 2,000 in-person participants, the virtual event drew a larger and broader audience than ever—2,644 participants streaming from as far away as Singapore, South Korea, the U.K., and Austria.
Responding to COVID-19
In addition to helping community members manage their general health during the pandemic, FBCG also helped them fight COVID-19. Beginning in March 2021, in partnership with University of Maryland Capital Region Health, FBCG opened a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the Family Life Center to provide Maryland residents easy access to the vaccine.
Initially open just two days a week, the clinic expanded operation to five days a week from March through June. With 1,000 medical and non-medical professionals volunteering to support daily operations, FBCG served approximately 40,750 people and administered nearly 80,000 vaccine doses.
Reid Temple AME Church
Glenn Dale, MD
Rev. Dr. Mark E. Whitlock, Jr., Senior Pastor
Reid Temple AME Church
Health Ministry
Mission: Reid Temple’s Health Ministry strives to leverage the collaborate strength of the church, community, and health organizations to reframe the conversation around health disparities, health equality and health education in order to drive the message towards accessibility and affordability in healthcare, ultimately resulting in systemic change.
Goals: To dramatically improve the health outlook, attitudes and well-being of our congregation and the communities we serve by providing information and guidance to equip individuals with enough information to make informed choices regarding their own health.
Vision: To ensure the church is a strategic place where elements of health, healing, prevention, wellness, and education can and should be addressed.
During the pandemic, Reid Temple’s Health Ministry had to rethink their approach, while remaining committed to promoting health and wellness, when the death rate from the virus was soaring in our community. Reid Temple’s Health Ministry was tasked with the responsibility to keep the congregation informed on the latest issues and concerns surrounding the virus. Initially, online seminars and educational videos were conducted to keep the congregation abreast of any updates.
Once Covid-19 protocols were in place, the Health Ministry partnered with other ministries to conduct small, orchestrated health events in the church. To support our “first responders,” we prepared and delivered several hundred care packages to local hospitals. We organized Red Cross blood drives and solicited the congregation and the community to participate, and the church began to conduct food distributions to assist individuals in the community who were struggling with food insecurities.
To further streamline our efforts, the Health Ministry established The Healthy Communities Initiative, to ensure the congregation and the community at large, could take charge of their health during these trying times. Since the inception of this initiative, one of our main focuses has been the Covid-19 vaccines and the role of the church. We activated the Healthy Communities Initiative’s core values, the “I2 E2 concept” of igniting, informing, educating, and empowering individuals to demand positive change in health outcomes. Our major accomplishments, using the “I2 E2 concept” included:
- Ignite and Inform: The Health Ministry, with the lead from our Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Mark E. Whitlock, Sr., gathered clergy, community leaders, politicians, and the health community, to discuss strategies to tackle the pandemic in our churches and communities.
- Educate: A virtual townhall meeting was conducted to address questions or concerns individuals may have concerning the vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci was among the guests who participated in this unprecedented educational and transformative forum.
- Empower: The Healthy Communities Initiative established a partnership with one of the largest hospital systems in our community, Luminis Health, Doctor’s Hospital Center. The hospital agreed to make Reid Temple one of the main vaccination sites in the county. The vaccine clinic was active from February 12 - June 12, 2021. Over 20,000 vaccines were administered to persons in the congregation and the surrounding community.
Reid Temple’s Health Ministry will continue to work to ensure that health disparities, social determinants and health inequities remain in the forefront when conducting health initiatives. We remain committed to the health and well-being of the congregation and the community at large.
The Park Church
Charlotte, NC
Bishop Claude R. Alexander, Jr., Senior Pastor
The Park Church exists to extend the love, life, and lordship of Jesus Christ to every person, in every way, in every place, and at every time the opportunity is given. Among our chief principles is being holistic and collaborative in our approach to ministry. In 1992, we were one of the first African-American congregations in developing a programmatic response to AIDS by partnering with RAIN (Regional Aids Interfaith Network). Care teams partnered with persons infected and affected by family members with the disease to provide support and needed services. In 2002, we partnered with AmeriCare Health in the establishment of a community health clinic on our Beatties Ford Road property. Through our Outreach Ministry, CDC, Family Life and Wellness Center (FLWC), and The Park Expo and Conference Center, we’ve partnered with local healthcare providers and national health organizations in offering various health screenings, health fairs, dental services, medical supply distribution, blood drives, COVID testings and vaccinations.
Of recent note, the FLWC under the leadership of Herb Bowen and Roz Brewer was recognized by Weight Watchers Church Challenge, collaborated with the American Heart Association, has developed its own Shaking Off the Rust Challenge, and in partnership with the CDC, offered healthy cooking classes. Quarterly nutritious potlucks, mindfulness classes and free community workouts on (Saturdays), which include yoga, virtual trainings, Zumba, HIIT, et al are provided.
The Park CDC manages a five-acre farm where people are growing fresh fruits and vegetables.
Recognizing the import of mental health, we established a Counseling Ministry featuring full-time licensed professionals to attend to the mental/spiritual needs of individuals and families. In the past year, it has expanded to include coaching and spiritual direction.
This work has extended beyond the United States into Ghana, and Kenya where doctors and nurses partnered with local health care workers in providing check-ups for children and families.
Partnering with the Charlotte Area Fund and other community stakeholders, we are developing a mobile unit (MT25:40) to serve the residentially challenged, by providing showers, laundry services, as well being used for rapid response in times of crisis.
Alex Smith, Jr.
Founder, LEX Graphics
New York, NY
It is often said that there are two ways to acquire talent-- it can be taught or you can be born with it. Alex Smith was born with it in Montgomery Alabama, to parents who are veterans of the Montgomery bus boycott. His family relocated to Brooklyn, N.Y. when he was three which made for a interesting upbringing--Brooklyn-grown tinged with southern undertones.
At a young age Smith displayed hints of artistic talent. By high school, he was sure his life‘s work would be in the art world. In October of 1986, Smith opened LEX GRAPHICS, a company specializing in all areas of graphic arts. All of his experiences and education proved instrumental in helping to turn Lex Graphics into one of the most creative design firms in the city. Its primary directive is toward excellence in all facets of graphic and visual design expression. Smith is committed to the study of images and their impact on attitudes and behavior. As a graphic designer and digital artist he has transformed Lex Graphics into a high-tech computer design firm offering cutting edge design with the use of the latest computer technology.
Smith employs a unique and creative design technique that was sparked by his now renowned Lex Graphics calendar series. In 1988 Smith employed bold lines and solid color to create the ebony- faced figures that have become his signature. The visual expressions are serene yet forceful. His subject matter always aims to speak to the nobility, beauty and resilience of a people who have often been maligned, marginalized and degraded.
In the fall 1996 Smith formed a new company, THE LEX COLLECTION which would encompass his fine art talent in the area of fine art prints. With his one man exhibition of The Million Ones-Images From The Million Man March, Smith entered the field of digital fine art. The images in the series were inspired by photographs taken by family members and personal friends who attended the historical march. From there they were roughly sketched by hand and then scanned into a computer. Then they were digitally composed, refined, colored and output as digital prints (digitally produced on a wide format inkjet printer). Each print is hand signed and numbered. Each is a limited print of 100. That series was followed in 2000 with the exhibition of To The Souls of Our Feet. This series paid tribute to dancers and the dance.
Smith is also the Executive Chairman of Thelma Hill Performing Arts Center (THPAC). During his tenure over 500 artists have been presented in performance including: Ron Brown, Camille Brown, George Faison, Louis Johnson, Marlies Yearby, Fred Benjamin, Urban Bush Women, and Philadanco, among many others.
Gullah Church Nurses Association
St. Helena Island, SC
Betty Haskins, Founder & President
Betty Haskins is a retired registered nurse and Navy Nurse Corps veteran. She is founder and president of the Gullah Church Nurses Association. INC. Betty Haskins has more than 37years in her profession having served in the military on active and Ready Reserve duty. She retired as a Federal Civil Service nurse from Naval Hospital Beaufort. Betty is a graduate of H.E. McCracken High School, Orangeburg Regional School of Professional Nursing and The University of South Carolina with a BSN degree she completed Officer Indoctrination School in Newport Rhode Island, and subsequently began a career as a coronary and intensive care nurse. Betty Haskins participated in the Ethnic Minority Study Group exploring all areas that potentially affected minority officers in the Nurse Corps. Betty has earned many awards and recognition in her career. She is married to Pastor Michael Haskins of Second Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Beaufort S.C. and the mother of four adult children. She remains an advocate in rural health, education and community services and encourages other minorities to pursue medical and nursing professions.
The Gullah Church Nurses Assoc. Inc. was established in 1993 by Lt. Commander, Betty J. Haskins, founder and president along with Ms. Zezalee Smalls RN, Arabelle Fripp and Janette Fields. Capt. Shirley Browne USN joined and impacted the organization with direction and development. Gardenia S. White joined and became an effectual leader as president. The organization shared and formulated a course of action regarding health inequities in the local rural community. The Gullah Church Nurses Association was incorporated as a non-profit, faith based health ministry in the State of S.C. in 1994. Their aim would be the grassroots implementation of health education to encourage optimal and healthy living in communities of the Lowcountry of S.C.
The highly qualified and many years of experience across many spectrums of nurses, volunteered to become health advocates and committed to the health ministry in their local churches. The Gullah Nurses had witnessed first hand the profound impact AIDS/HIV had in their rural community. The lack of health education was clearly evident regarding diabetes, hypertension,and the devastation of such conditions contributing to kidney disease and amputations.
The GCNA implemented educational seminars on diabetes along with blood pressure screenings at local churches. Breast care examinations with mammogram information along with breast models were set-up at local beauty shops. The Sea Island Project Sugar under the direction of Dr. Ida Spruill affiliate at MUSC, Charleston S.C. requested the nurses support in collecting health data regarding diabetes among a very different genetic pool of African Americans. Community health fairs and workshops are utilized as a very beneficial platform to provide health education, demonstrations of self exams , tests, and face to face question and answer sessions. Partnerships with local medical health clinics, hospitals, and other organizations helped to accomplish the framework in facilitating and contributing to a more healthy community.
Currently, the Gullah Church Nurses continue to educate and provide supplies to churches and encourage healthy living . Their greatest achievement has been the gratitude received from locals regarding becoming more informed and excited about improving their personal health. GCNA acts as liaison to nursing students and encourages more minorities in medical and nursing practices.